New Year's Address
时间:2023-01-05 浏览量:82次
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Dear friends from all walks of life, partners, investors, dear colleagues and family

We will celebrate the new year with pride. We will bid farewell to the year of 2022 and usher in the year of 2023. On this joyous first day of the Spring Festival, I would like to extend my most sincere greetings and best wishes to leaders at all levels, friends from all walks of life, customers and partners who have long cared about and supported the development of Kungong Technology, and to shareholders, all employees and family members of Kungong Technology!

Only when the sea is flowing can you be a hero. In 2022, which is full of stories, we are faced with epidemic outbreak, market downturn and other difficulties. However, under such a severe situation, the company's leadership and employees are united to overcome the difficulties and achieve the goal of listing on the Beijing Stock Exchange as expected, which is exciting and encouraging!

In order to challenge the difficulties and create new achievements, we will unswervingly follow the path of high-quality development, and maintain perseverance and seek progress in stability. We are ambitious and on the way to achieve the goal of leading the market of metallurgical electrode materials; We keep up with the times, implement the "double carbon" concept, grasp the development opportunities of energy storage, and realize the ideal of industrialization of the new large-capacity lead-carbon long-term energy storage battery from pilot test; We have forged ahead and completed the plan of entering the pilot phase of high-voltage lithium-rich manganese based cathode materials from the preparation technology. We strive for excellence, our business performance is getting better and better, our internal management is gradually optimized, our risk control is constantly strengthened, our talent team is full of talents, our achievements in technology research and development are outstanding, and our influence is expanding day by day. None of our achievements is created by you and me, and none of our stories is written by you and me. How proud and proud!

Fire tests gold, adversity makes the strong. In 2023, even though the vicissitudes of time have blocked our pace, the myriad rivers and mountains can hardly match our passion. New challenges and new opportunities are coming, which requires us to grasp the opportunities of the times, insight into market changes, and open up new prospects for development; We are required to maintain our composure in the complex and changing environment, adhere to our vision and mission, focus on developing new businesses of energy storage batteries, promote green and sustainable development, and create value for society, customers and partners.

In 2023, we will take a firm and pragmatic approach to open up new prospects for the development of energy storage battery business, actively forge ahead, make overall planning, constantly stimulate organizational vitality, continuously improve management efficiency and product quality, and effectively control risks. Let's take the opportunity of persisting in technology empowerment and the path of launching powerful products to seek enterprise development, establish brand image and open up a new world of industry.

I wish leaders at all levels, friends from all walks of life, customers and partners who care about and support the development of the company a prosperous career and success in everything!

I wish Kungong Technology shareholders, all employees and family members a happy, happy and healthy life!

Chairman and General Manager