National Day · celebrate the birthday and celebrate the National Day
时间:2022-12-21 浏览量:76次
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Seventy-three glorious years, seventy-three years of sailing together, in the brilliant autumn scenery, we celebrate the seventy-third birthday of the motherland. Let's move the pointer of time back to the moment of the creation of the earth: the history of history gathered in the sky of China's millennium civilization. The ancient concept of "China", which has been harboring the fervent feelings of countless people for thousands of years, was given new significance along with the founding of the People's Republic of China 73 years ago.

We love our motherland

In order to solemnly and warmly celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, further strengthen the ideological and moral construction of the company's employees, and promote and cultivate the national spirit. Stimulate the patriotic feelings of employees, establish the ambition of contributing to the construction of a harmonious socialist society and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and strive to turn the lofty ambition into concrete actions every day. The company held a series of activities of "We Love Our Motherland" on the eve of the National Day.


When the magnificent national anthem rings the first melodious note, when the bright five-star red flag is like a group of hot flames, bathed in the gentle morning light, we are excited to welcome the 73rd anniversary of the founding of New China.

(singing the national anthem)

We have not forgotten the history and the day. On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong solemnly announced that "the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China was established today". At this moment of shaking the world, the founding fathers on the upper floor of Tiananmen City and the cheering crowd under the tower looked at each other from afar, with mixed feelings. These vigorous people have the same name: Patriot. It was under their unremitting efforts that the Chinese people beat away the invaders and colonists, overthrew the "three mountains" that were pressing on the people's heads, and created a new China with phoenix nirvana and rebirth after the war.

(Watch patriotic short film)


Because of this patriotic feeling that will never die, New China can be established and grow; In the great journey from standing up to becoming strong, patriots can be seen everywhere. The 73 years of glorious history that New China has gone through is the 73 years that the patriots and the Republic have accompanied each other, and also the 73 years that they have strived ceaselessly.




The golden autumn harvest welcomes the Chinese birthday, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are covered with beautiful scenery. The red song is sung to the party. The glory of the party shines in my heart. In order to spread the red classics, carry forward the patriotic spirit, recall the glorious years of the past and express the patriotic enthusiasm of the present. A red song has a history, and a red song has a flag. "We love the motherland", the singing red song competition of a series of activities to present a gift to the motherland, was filled with enthusiasm and actively participated in. The company also awarded prizes to the employees who participated in the activity.



(Red Song Competition)



(award prizes)



(award prizes)



Salute all the heroes who fought for our country

Thank you for letting us

Can be born under the red flag

Growing in the spring breeze

The dawn has come

War Drum Expedition

Patriots, please list!