Vice President Ma Wenhui went to Kunming Polytechnic Hengda Technology Co., Ltd. for investigation
时间:2022-12-07 浏览量:18次
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On February 22, the vice president of the Marvin Society led a group of five people from the heads of relevant colleges and departments of the Metallurgical Institute to Kunming Polytechnic Hengda Science and Technology Co., Ltd. for research and exchange with the company's principals and key backbones. The two sides carried out docking and communication around further deepening the connotation of school-enterprise cooperation, broadening the scope of cooperation, innovating the mode of cooperation, and comprehensively promoting the joint training of talents and the transformation of scientific research achievements.

At the symposium, the technical director of Polytechnic Hengda briefly introduced the overall situation of the enterprise's development history, organization, international business and development layout, and said that as the first batch of national high-tech enterprises and listed companies of Kunming University of Technology, the development of Polytechnic Hengda cannot be separated from the talents and technical support provided by the school for a long time, and the two sides have deep origins and long-term close cooperation, and hope to further strengthen communication, To realize complementary advantages and win-win cooperation.

Vice President Ma Wenhui spoke highly of the achievements of Polytechnic Hengda, expressed his gratitude for the strong support given by the enterprise to the school and college for a long time, and proposed to further strengthen the cooperation between industry, university and research, carry out all-round cooperation in the construction of first-class disciplines, joint training of talents, construction of mass entrepreneurship and innovation bases, and joint construction of cutting-edge scientific and technological research institutes, and realize the vision of win-win and in-depth integration between the school and the enterprise.